Esoteric Nutrition Course
Esoteric Nutrition Course
Full course covering all topics concerning health and nutrition especially focusing on hormonal health, gut health and metabolic health.

Collapsible content
What benefits can I expect?
How do I even begin to answer this.. Let me go section by section:
I. 13 Pillars of Testosterone:
Anabolic Effect: Put on muscle easily and retain it even without exercise
Androgenic Effect: Increased aggression and sexual instinct
Metabolic Effect: Burn fat by just existing
Psychological Rewiring: Gain a sense of unstoppable momentum
II.Metabolic and Thyroid Health
Unlock a new level of calm and collected energy
Eliminate Chronic Stress
III. Body Recomposition
Aesthetic Effect: Look like what a man is supposed to look like
Insulin Reset: Stop craving sugar like a toddler
IV. Gut Health
Mental Health: The Mind-Gut Axis is the source of neurochemicals
Gut Microbiome Reset: Destroy bad bacteria and encourage the good kinds
V. Protocol
Bring all the knowledge together in a step by step guide
Introduction to Esoteric Food Pyramid
V. Resources
Printable PDF checklists for supplements
Printable PDF checklists for micronutrients
Course Contents
I. 13 Pillars of Testosterone
📺 Pillar 1: Retention Don’t throw away your gainz
📺 Pillar 2: Competition and Collaboration Cheat codes to testmaxxing
📺 Pillar 3: Breathing is Everything Decrease stress, increase test
📺 Pillar 4: Praise the Sun Use light to stimulate test
📺 Pillar 5: Praise the Moon Use rest to stimulate test
📺 Pillar 6: Purge the Xenos *This module does best if you also have the Detox course
📺 Pillar 7: How to understand a T-Test Understanding free T, total T, LH, FSH (biomarkers)
📺 Pillar 8: Thermal Stress Heat or Cold exposure?
📺 Pillar 9: Fats are Friends What is testosterone made of?
📺 Pillar 10: Increase Testosterone Sensitivity How to increase the effects of test
📺 Pillar 11: Free the Twins Don’t trap the boys..
📺 Pillar 12: Micros and Supplementation Supps are secondary, but still..
📺 Pillar 13: Frootmaxxing Heaven’s Gift to Mankind 🥭
II. Metabolic and Thyroid Health
📺 Optimize Light Environment: Critical for mitochondrial function
📺 Thyroid Optimization: Turn on the metabolic switch
📺 Manage Chronic Stress: This is mandatory..
📺 Metabolic Reset: Unlock a new level of vital energy
📜 Hormones and the Endocrine System: Notes for advanced students
III. Body Recomposition
📺 Calories in Calories out?: Actually understand the energy balance equation
📺 Stop Tracking Calories?: Understanding the pros and cons of tracking
📺 Fat Loss Trident: Three tools to lose fat without losing muscle
📺 Understanding Cholesterol: Getting to the truth behind this controversy
📺 Insulin Reset: Sugar isn’t always bad
IV. Gut Health
📺 Mind-Gut Connection: Truly wacky stuff, but essential for mental health
📺 Unbound Iron: Iron is not always good for you
📺 How to Eat: Eat like your ancestors did
📺 Are Plant Toxins Real: Truth behind social media trends
📺 Gut Reset Protocol: This is the hard reset; the ultimate option
📜 Mini Gut Reset Protocol: This is an easier reset to commit to
📜 Meat Stock and Bone Broth: Recipes for elite gut health
📜 Gut Maintenance Elixir: A recipe for elite gut health
V. Protocol
📺 Esoteric Food Pyramid: They PSYOP’d us with the Govt. Food Pyramid. No More.
📺 Phase 1: Start Here with the easiest steps
📺 Phase 2: Now lets reach the top 10% of health
📺 Phase 3: Now lets reach our genetic limits
📺 How to Eat Out
📺 How to Store and Heat Food
📺 How to do groceries
📺 What if I’m a vegetarian?
VII. Resources
📜 Supplement Cheat Sheet
📜 Micronutrient Cheat Sheet
Does this work for vegans and vegetarians?
My recommendations aren't catered to vegan or vegetarian diets. I don't
consider these diets to be ideal for human health. However, I do have a
separate module for vegan/vegetarian diets.